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R.L. Burnside

Garage rock
Rock music
Brought up in a dirt-poor region of Lafayette County in the deep south, Robert Lee Burnside began playing guitar at the age of 16, influenced by local church music and the fife and drum picnics which are a major part of the regional music culture. Burnside uprooted and moved to Chicago, following his father who moved there as an economic migrant. His short time in the city was marred by tragedy - in the space of three years his father, two brothers and two uncles were all murdered, prompting Burnside to return south. In the 1950s Burnside was convicted of murder and imprisoned...
Jumper on the Line
Jumper on the LineR.L. Burnside

Plays and Sings the Mississippi Delta Blues

Goin' Down South
Goin' Down SouthR.L. Burnside

Sound Machine Groove


Long Haired Doney
Long Haired DoneyR.L. Burnside

Sound Machine Groove

Goin' Down South
Goin' Down SouthGeorge Mitchell and R.L. Burnside

No Monkeys On This Train


Chain of Fools
Chain of FoolsR.L. Burnside

Wish I Was In Heaven Sitting Down


Rolling and Tumbling
Rolling and TumblingR.L. Burnside

Sound Machine Groove


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