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Rainhard Fendrich

Pop music
Folk rock
Rock music
Singer and actor Rainhard Jürgen Fendrich (February 27, 1955) is often credited with popularizing Austropop throughout the German-speaking world. Born and raised in Vienna, he taught himself how to play the guitar during his teenage years and dropped out of law school to pursue a career in music. In the early 80s, Rainhard Fendrich got his start performing in the musicals Die Gräfin vom Naschmarkt and Jesus Christ Superstar before releasing his studio debut Ich wollte nie einer von denen sein in 1980. Despite its timid chart performance, the album was instrumental in paving the w...
Es Lebe der Sport
Es Lebe der SportRainhard Fendrich

Zwischen Eins Und Vier

SchwarzoderweissRainhard Fendrich



Macho Macho
Macho MachoRainhard Fendrich

Gute Unterhaltung


Weus'd a Herz hast wia a Bergwerk
Weus'd a Herz hast wia a BergwerkRainhard Fendrich

Auf Und Davon


Weus'd a Herz hast wia a Bergwerk
Weus'd a Herz hast wia a BergwerkRainhard Fendrich

Auf Und Davon


Manchmal denk i no an di
Manchmal denk i no an diRainhard Fendrich

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