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Ramsey Lewis

Jazz pop
Easy Listening
Jazz pianist and composer Ramsey Lewis was born on May 27, 1935, in Chicago, Illinois. At the age of four, he began taking piano lessons. His first band was The Clefs but he would eventually leave the group and form the Ramsey Lewis Trio. Throughout his 80+ album career, he played with revolving cast of trio members as well as collaborating with larger group formations. His debut with his trio was Ramsey Lewis and His Gentlemen of Swing (1956). Lewis became one of the most popular pianists in the U.S. when his 1965 album The ‘In’ Crowd hit Number 2 on the Billboard Top 200 Albums...
Something You Got
Something You GotRamsey Lewis

You Better Believe Me


Come Sunday
Come SundayRamsey Lewis

The Ramsey Lewis Trio at the Bohemian Caverns


My Cherie Amour
My Cherie AmourRamsey Lewis

Another Voyage


And I Love Her
And I Love HerRamsey Lewis



Thanks For the Memory
Thanks For the MemoryRamsey Lewis

Never on Sunday

Bei mir bist du schön (Bei mir bist du schoen)
Bei mir bist du schön (Bei mir bist du schoen)Ramsey Lewis

Ramsey Lewis and His Gentle-Men of Swing

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