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Ray Foxx

House music
Electronic music
Dance music
DJ and music producer Ray Foxx was born December 10, 1985 in London. He first hit the British charts in 2011 with “La Musica”, a reworking of his first single, “The Trumpeter”, which added vocals by Lovelle. “La Musica” was a top 20 dance track. His biggest hit to that point came in 2013 with “Boom Boom (Heartbreak)”, a number 2 dance and number 12 pop hit on the UK charts. That track featured vocals from Welsh EDM artist Rachel K Collier, and the two wouldreunite on the 2014 track “Curious”. Foxx’s other singles include 2012’s “Butterflies”, 2013’s “Fireworks (Bang Bang) featuri...
Boom Boom (Heartbeat)
Boom Boom (Heartbeat) 

Dub Mix

Ray Foxx and Rachel K Collier

Boom Boom (Heartbeat)


Boom Boom (Heartbeat)
Boom Boom (Heartbeat) 

Rivaz Remix

Ray Foxx and Rachel K Collier

Fabric 70


The Trumpeter
The TrumpeterRay Foxx

Café del Mar: Terrace Mix


Boom Boom (Heartbeat)
Boom Boom (Heartbeat)Ray Foxx

Boom Boom (Heartbeat)


The Trumpeter
The TrumpeterRay Foxx

La Musica [the Trumpeter]


Boom Boom (Heartbeat)
Boom Boom (Heartbeat) 

Sami Wentz Remix

Ray Foxx and Rachel K Collier

100 Hits 2014


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