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Richard O'Brien

New wave
Rock music
Glam rock
Born Richard Timothy Smith on March 25, 1942 in Cheltenham, England, Richard O'Brien emigrated to New Zealand aged 10 before returning to England in 1964, where he set his sights on becoming an actor. The English-New Zealand actor, writer, musician, and TV presenter took his maternal grandmother's name and kicked his acting career into gear in the early '70s, appearing in a production of Hair (1970), Jesus Christ Superstar (1972), and Sam Shepard's The Unseen Hand (1973). Having honed an interest in horror, B-movies, and sci-fi, he wrote the musical stage show The Rocky Horror Sh...
Time Warp
Time WarpRichard O'Brien, Little Nell and Patricia Quinn

The Rocky Horror Show [Original London Cast]


Science Fiction/Double Feature
Science Fiction/Double FeatureRichard O'Brien

The Rocky Horror Show [Original London Cast]

Toucha, Toucha, Toucha, Touch Me
Toucha, Toucha, Toucha, Touch MeRichard O'Brien

The Rocky Horror Show [Original London Cast]

The Time Warp
The Time Warp 

1989 Remix

Richard O'Brien, Charles Gray, Transylvanians, Little Nell and Patricia Quinn

The Rocky Horror Show [Original London Cast]


Science Fiction/Double Feature (Reprise)
Science Fiction/Double Feature (Reprise)Richard O'Brien

The Rocky Horror Show [Original London Cast]


Time Warp
Time WarpRichard O'Brien, Little Nell and Patricia Quinn

The Rocky Horror Show [Original London Cast]

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