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Richie Ray & Bobby Cruz

Soul music
Puerto Rican salsa/boogaloo duo Richie Ray & Bobby Cruz was formed in New York in 1964. Composed of Richie Ray (born Ricardo Morales on February 15, 1945, in Brooklyn, New York) and Bobby Cruz (born Robert Cruz Ramos on February 2, 1937, in Hormigueros, Puerto Rico), the duo was instrumental in popularizing salsa music in the 1960s and 1970s. The duo came together in 1964 when Bobby Cruz joined Richie Ray’s orchestra as a backing vocalist. Within a few years, Bobby Cruz was the group’s lead vocalist and took his place right up front with bandleader Richie Ray. The duo’s first hig...
Sonido Bestial
Sonido BestialRichie Ray & Bobby Cruz

El Bestial Sonido


AgúzateRichie Ray & Bobby Cruz

Bomba En Navidad
Bomba En NavidadRichie Ray & Bobby Cruz

Felices Pascuas


Sonido Bestial
Sonido BestialRichie Ray & Bobby Cruz

Un Sonido Bestial

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