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Rick Springfield

Rock music
New wave
Hard rock
At the age of 14, Richard Springthorpe saw The Beatles performing in Melbourne, an event that had a life-changing impact on him as he then began to prepare for his own transformation into the pop/rock star Rick Springfield. When his father, who was in the Army, was stationed in England, Rick learned guitar, joined various English bands and started to make his mark with the bands Rockhouse and MPD Ltd. Returning to Australia he formed Wickedy Wak and then became lead singer, guitarist and occasional songwriter with established band Zoot, who hit on the gimmick of all dressing in p...
Jessie's Girl
Jessie's GirlRick Springfield

Original Album Classics


Don't Talk to Strangers
Don't Talk to StrangersRick Springfield

Success Hasn't Spoiled Me


Theme from Mission Magic
Theme from Mission MagicRick Springfield

Mission Magic


I've Done Everything for You
I've Done Everything for YouRick Springfield

Working Class Dog


Love Somebody
Love SomebodyRick Springfield

Hard To Hold


Don't Talk to Strangers
Don't Talk to StrangersRick Springfield

Stripped Down

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