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Ricky Nelson

Rock music
Country rock
Country music
The second son of bandleader Ozzie Nelson and singer Harriet Hilliard, Ricky and his brother were children when they appeared on their father's radio series The Adventures Of Ozzie and Harriet, which developed into a film (Here Come The Nelsons) and a long-running and very popular TV series. By his early teens, Ricky was playing clarinet, drums and guitar and adopted the rockabilly style he heard on Sun Records releases. His first single was a cover of Fats Domino's I'm Walkin' in 1957, leading to live appearances at various state fairs with the Four Preps. Signed to Imperial, he...
Teenage Idol (1962)
Teenage Idol (1962)Ricky Nelson

It's Up To You

Lonesome Town
Lonesome TownRicky Nelson

Ricky Sings Again!


I’ll Make Believe
I’ll Make BelieveRicky Nelson

Rick Is 21

Thank You Darling
Thank You DarlingRicky Nelson

Album Seven by Rick

Big Chief Buffalo Nickel
Big Chief Buffalo Nickel 

Desert Blues

Ricky Nelson

Country Fever

Restless Kid
Restless KidRicky Nelson

Ricky Sings Again!

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