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Rob Hawkins

Run to the Father / O Come to the Altar
Run to the Father / O Come to the AltarRob Hawkins, Chris Brown, Matt Maher, Steven Furtick, Wade Joye, Ran Jackson, Brock Mack and Jay Cody Carnes


Raise a Hallelujah /Yes I Will
Raise a Hallelujah /Yes I WillRob Hawkins, Molly Skaggs, Jonathan David Helser, Jake Stevens, Eddie Hoagland, Jonathan Lindley Smith, Melissa Phillips Helser and Mia Leanne Cherie Fieldes


Father’s House / Stand in Your Love
Father’s House / Stand in Your LoveRob Hawkins, Cory Asbury, Josh Baldwin, Benjamin William Hastings, Ethan Gregory Hulse, Marcus R Harris and Rita E Springer


Earn Your Love
Earn Your LoveRob Hawkins, Emerson Hart, David Hodges and Phillip LaRue


Oceans /10,000 Reasons
Oceans /10,000 ReasonsRob Hawkins, Matthew James Redman, Joel Timothy Houston, Jonas Carl Gustaf Myrin, Matthew Philip Crocker and Salomon Ligthelm


Reckless Love /You Say
Reckless Love /You SayRob Hawkins, Cory Asbury, Caleb Culver, Jason David Ingram, Lauren Ashley Daigle and Randy Matthew Jackson
