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Rob McClure

Stage musical
Stage & Screen
Say My Name
Say My NameRob McClure, Kerry Butler, Sophia Anne Caruso and Alex Brightman

Say My Name


Ready Set, Not Yet
Ready Set, Not YetOriginal Broadway Cast of Beetlejuice, Kerry Butler, Alex Brightman and Rob McClure


Fright of Their Lives
Fright of Their LivesOriginal Broadway Cast of Beetlejuice, Kerry Butler, Alex Brightman and Rob McClure


The Whole "Being Dead" Thing, Pt. 2
The Whole "Being Dead" Thing, Pt. 2Original Broadway Cast of Beetlejuice, Kerry Butler, Alex Brightman and Rob McClure


Jump in the Line
Jump in the LineOriginal Broadway Cast of Beetlejuice, Kerry Butler, Sophia Anne Caruso, Rob McClure, Leslie Kritzer and Adam Dannheisser


Creepy Old Guy
Creepy Old GuyOriginal Broadway Cast of Beetlejuice, Kerry Butler, Sophia Anne Caruso, Alex Brightman , Rob McClure, Leslie Kritzer and Adam Dannheisser
