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Roger Eno

Experimental rock
Rock music
Ambient music
The brother of legendary music producer Brian Eno, Roger Eno launched his career as an ambient musician, multi-instrumentalist, and film music composer in the 1980s. Born in 1959 in Woodbridge, England, he played euphonium as a child and made his debut on Brian Eno's Apollo: Atmospheres and Soundtracks in 1983. A Top 20 hit in Scotland and the UK, Apollo highlighted his talents as a songwriter and piano player, both of which were further showcased on Roger Eno's solo debut, Voices, in 1985. He expanded his sound with 1988's Between Tides, an album whose compositions made room for...
An Ending (Ascent)
An Ending (Ascent)Brian Eno, Roger Eno and Daniel Lanois

Working Backwards: 1983-1973


Wanting To Believe  (Oh Holy Night)
Wanting To Believe (Oh Holy Night)Brian Eno and Roger Eno

Deep Blue Day
Deep Blue DayBrian Eno, Roger Eno and Daniel Lanois

Apollo: Atmospheres & Soundtracks


A Paler Sky
A Paler SkyRoger Eno


Grey Promenade
Grey PromenadeRoger Eno


Evening Tango
Evening TangoRoger Eno


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