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(Roy Kim)

Pop music
Asiatic music
World music
Sang Woo Kim (born July 3, 1993 in Seoul, Korea) also known as Roy Kim, gained fame by winning the fourth season of the South Korean television talent show Superstar K in 2012. Growing up in Canada and the United States, Kim finished high school in 2012, dropping out of university to compete in the reality show, ultimately winning against two million contestants. After his 2012 victory, he released his debut album Love Love Love in 2013, featuring the hit single “Bom Bom Bom”, which topped the charts and in the following year, followed this with “Home” from the album of the same ...
내게 사랑이 뭐냐고 물어본다면 If You Ask Me What Love Is (If You Ask Me What Love Is)
내게 사랑이 뭐냐고 물어본다면 If You Ask Me What Love Is (If You Ask Me What Love Is)로이킴 (Roy Kim)

If You Ask Me What Love Is


봄이 와도 When Spring Comes (When Spring Comes)
봄이 와도 When Spring Comes (When Spring Comes)로이킴 (Roy Kim)

When Spring Comes


살아가는 거야 Linger On (Linger On)
살아가는 거야 Linger On (Linger On)로이킴 (Roy Kim)

Linger On


미련하다 Love remnants (Love remnants)
미련하다 Love remnants (Love remnants)로이킴 (Roy Kim)


그대가 있는 곳, 언제 어디든 Whenever, Wherever (Whenever, Wherever)
그대가 있는 곳, 언제 어디든 Whenever, Wherever (Whenever, Wherever)로이킴 (Roy Kim)

My Demon, Pt. 2


봄이 와도 When Spring Comes (When Spring Comes)
봄이 와도 When Spring Comes (When Spring Comes)로이킴 and 박종민 (Roy Kim and Park Jong Min)


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