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Rupert Gregson-Williams

Film score
Stage & Screen
Animation music
Born into a family of composers and musicians, Rupert Gregson-Williams knew from an early age that he wanted to compose for film. His elder brother, Harry, is also a prolific film composer. Rupert's diverse filmography includes the 2004 drama 'Hotel Rwanda' for which he won the European Film Composer Award, the animations 'Over the Hedge' (2006) and 'Bee Movie' (2007) and the family comedies 'Zookeeper' (2011) and 'Thunderpants' (2002), as well as and the romantic comedy 'Made of Honor' (2008) and the war drama 'Hacksaw Ridge' (2016). He also has a long-standing friendship with A...
Heist, song (as used in the film "Over the Hedge")
Heist, song (as used in the film "Over the Hedge")Rupert Gregson-Williams and Ben Folds

Over the Hedge [B.O.F.]


Family Of Me
Family Of MeRupert Gregson-Williams and Ben Folds

Over the Hedge [B.O.F.]


Lost In The Supermarket
Lost In The SupermarketRupert Gregson-Williams and Ben Folds

Over the Hedge [B.O.F.]


Tarzan And Jane
Tarzan And JaneRupert Gregson-Williams

The Legend of Tarzan [B.O.F.]


The Crown Main Title
The Crown Main Title 


Hans Zimmer, Rupert Gregson-Williams and Lorne Balfe

The Crown : Season One [Série TV]


Barry Flies Out
Barry Flies OutRupert Gregson-Williams

Bee Movie [B.O.F.]


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