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Russell Allen

Metal music
Aquatic Race
Aquatic RaceAyreon, James LaBrie, Hansi Kürsch, Tobias Sammet, Floor Jansen, Tommy Rogers, Simone Simons, Tommy Karevik and Russell Allen

The Source


Sea Of Machines
Sea Of MachinesAyreon, Tobias Sammet, Simone Simons, Russell Allen, Nils K. Rue, Michael Eriksen and Thomas Giles

The Source


Into The Ocean
Into The OceanAyreon, Hansi Kürsch, Tobias Sammet, Tommy Karevik, Russell Allen, Nils K. Rue, Michael Mills and Michael Eriksen

The Source


The Day That The World Breaks Down
The Day That The World Breaks DownAyreon, James LaBrie, Hansi Kürsch, Tobias Sammet, Floor Jansen, Simone Simons, Tommy Karevik, Russell Allen, Nils K. Rue, Michael Mills, Michael Eriksen and Thomas Giles

The Source


Sing Again
Sing Again12Stone Worship, Russell Allen, Lee Baker, Cameron Glasper, Sarah Ansley Allen, Seth White and Yonathan Pino


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