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Saber Rebaï

(Saber Rebai)

Pop music
Arabic music
World music
Saber Rebaï was born in Sfax, Tunisia, on March 13, 1967. Raised in a music-loving family, he came into contact with music at the age of ten, and more specifically with the oud, a string instrument widely used in Arab countries. After studying musicology, he was spotted at a competition for young talent in 1985, and went on to perform at the Carthage International Festival. After honing his skills as a musician with a number of artists and bands, and touring several countries, from Lebanon to Egypt to the Olympia in Paris, he released his first album, Yalli Bjamalek, in 1996. Thi...
شارع الغرام (Sharea El Gharam)
شارع الغرام (Sharea El Gharam)Saber Rebaï (Saber Rebai)


السهرة صباحي (Sahra Sabahi)
السهرة صباحي (Sahra Sabahi)Saad Lamjarred, RedOne and Saber Rebaï (Saber Rebai)


أتحدى العالم (Athada El Aalam)
أتحدى العالم (Athada El Aalam)Saber Rebaï (Saber Rebai)


سيدي منصور (Sidi Mansour)
سيدي منصور (Sidi Mansour)Saber Rebaï (Saber Rebai)

Sidi Mansour


على نار (Aala Nar)
على نار (Aala Nar)Saber Rebaï (Saber Rebai)

Waheshni Geddan


يا حبيبي واحشني (Ya Habibi Waheshni)
يا حبيبي واحشني (Ya Habibi Waheshni)Saber Rebaï (Saber Rebai)


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