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Samu Haber

Rock music
Pop music
Pop rock
Samu Haber is an influential figure within Finnish rock and pop music and, as well as being a successful singer, is also a popular TV talent show judge. He rose to prominence as the frontman of the pop rock outfit Sunrise Avenue, a band he co-founded in 2002 along with his friend Jan Hohenthal. The band went on to sell over four million singles and albums and during their career played thousands of shows. The band's best-known songs are "Hollywood Hills" and "Fairytale Gone Bad." In addition to his activities as a TV personality and frontman of Sunrise Avenue, he also launched an...
Sä Saat Mut Palasiksi (Sa Saat Mut Palasiksi)
Sä Saat Mut Palasiksi (Sa Saat Mut Palasiksi)STEREO and Samu Haber

Sä saat mut palasiksi / Vuosien päästä

Tequila (Vain elämää kausi 10) (Tequila (Vain elamaa kausi 10))
Tequila (Vain elämää kausi 10) (Tequila (Vain elamaa kausi 10))Samu Haber and Samu

Hanuri (Vain Elämää Kausi 10) (Hanuri (Vain Elamaeae Kausi 10))
Hanuri (Vain Elämää Kausi 10) (Hanuri (Vain Elamaeae Kausi 10))Samu Haber and Samu


Hyvä ihminen (Vain elämää kausi 10) (Hyva ihminen (Vain elamaa kausi 10))
Hyvä ihminen (Vain elämää kausi 10) (Hyva ihminen (Vain elamaa kausi 10))Samu Haber

Perjantai 13.
Perjantai 13.Samu Haber

Sä (Sa)
Sä (Sa)Samu Haber

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