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Sarit Hadad

Pop music
Pop rock
Rock music
Israeli mizrahi music superstar Sarit Hadad, born Sarah Hodadetova on September 20, 1978 in Afula, Israel, displayed her prodigious talents at an early age. Becoming skilled on multiple instruments as a child and teen, she met her longtime manager, Avi Gueta, when she was just 16. Her debut album, Spark of Life, came out in 1995, but it was 1998’s Law of Life that began her remarkable 20-year-run of sixteen consecutive top 10 albums, the majority of them going to number 1. She quickly became the biggest singing star in the country, and in 2002 she represented Israel in the Eurovi...
Emeis Oi Dyo Tairiazoume
Emeis Oi Dyo TairiazoumeNikos Vertis and Sarit Hadad

Eimai Mazi Sou


Shma Israel
Shma IsraelSarit Hadad

בלב אחד (סלאם עליכום) (BeLev Echad (Salam Aleykum))
בלב אחד (סלאם עליכום) (BeLev Echad (Salam Aleykum))Sarit Hadad

אהבה כמו שלנו (Love like ours)
אהבה כמו שלנו (Love like ours)Sarit Hadad

Yalla lech habaita Moti
Yalla lech habaita MotiSarit Hadad

Kach et hakol
Kach et hakolSarit Hadad

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