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SAVINA & DRONES, led by South Korean singer-songwriter Minyoung Choi, also known as Sabina, is an indie music artist known for her captivating and powerful voice. She debuted in 2010 with the EP Does To Live, which set the tone for her unique sound, blending dreamlike vocals with emotionally resonant music. Sabina's music resonates deeply with listeners, and her band’s name, "Savina & Drones," reflects this, symbolizing the resonant, meditative quality of her sound, akin to the vibrations of an Indian sitar. Her debut album Gayo (2011) stirred the indie scene, with tracks like "S...
My Home (Eugene's Song)
My Home (Eugene's Song)SAVINA & DRONES

Stranger (From "Mr. Sunshine [Original Television Soundtrack], Pt. 8")


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