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Schäffer the Darklord

Rap music
Fuck This Song
Fuck This SongSchäffer the Darklord

Mark of the Beast

MC Chris Is Back
MC Chris Is BackMC Chris, Jesse Dangerously and Schäffer the Darklord

Race Wars

The Honey
The HoneyCoolzey, Schäffer the Darklord and The Rhombus

O Death
O DeathThe Department Of Darkness, Francine, Mikal kHill and Schäffer the Darklord

Marking Out
Marking OutCoolzey, Schäffer the Darklord and Mark Cooper

Would You Kill Me If I Turned?
Would You Kill Me If I Turned?Soce the Elemental Wizard, Coolzey and Schäffer the Darklord
