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Scott Dente

Rock music
MexicoGlobal Genius, Scott Dente, Richie Biggs, Ken Lewis, Michael Romanowski and Meta Music Initiative


Breathe Deep
Breathe DeepMatty Nobbly, Steve Brewster, Scott Dente, Jackie Street, Michelle Swift, Blair Masters, Ken Lewis, Kevin Perry (contributor), Mike Psanos (contributor) and Angela Cruz (contributor)


You Gave Your All
You Gave Your AllMatty Nobbly, Scott Dente, Jackie Street, Sarah Hart, Chance Scoggins, Kevin Perry (contributor), Mike Psanos (contributor), Angela Cruz (contributor), Matthew Foo (contributor) and Felicia Starks (contributor)


Take This Offering
Take This OfferingMatty Nobbly, Steve Brewster, Scott Dente, Jackie Street, Sarah Hart, Blair Masters, Ken Lewis, Kevin Perry (contributor), Mike Psanos (contributor) and Steve Ashley (contributor)


Fullness of Time
Fullness of TimeMatty Nobbly, Steve Brewster, Scott Dente, Jackie Street, Sarah Hart, Blair Masters, Ken Lewis, Kevin Perry (contributor), Mike Psanos (contributor) and Anita McAlister (contributor)


Better Than You Think
Better Than You ThinkMatty Nobbly, Steve Brewster, Scott Dente, Jerry McPherson, Jackie Street, Sarah Hart, Chance Scoggins, Blair Masters, Dwight Liles and Mike Psanos (contributor)
