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Screaming Lord Sutch

Rock music
Pop rock
An eccentric, comedy politician famed for founding the Monster Raving Loony Party, David Sutch was also responsible for some of the UK's wildest, most theatrical early rock'n'roll. After leaving school Sutch worked as a window cleaner but, after seeing the outlandish R&B act of Screamin' Jay Hawkins, he was inspired to create the persona of Screaming Lord Sutch, 3rd Earl of Harrow. Onstage he surrounded himself with skulls and crosses, dressed in a top hat and cape and arrived on stage in a black coffin, while his band The Savages played twanging rockabilly and raucous, ramshackl...
All Black and Hairy
All Black and HairyScreaming Lord Sutch

Murder In The Graveyard


Good Golly Miss Molly
Good Golly Miss MollyScreaming Lord Sutch

Hands Of Jack The Ripper


'Til the Following Night
'Til the Following NightScreaming Lord Sutch

The Roots Of Goth

