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Sebastian Stakset

Rap music
Scandinavian rap
The Swedish artist Sebastian Stakset has had an interesting and at times painful journey through the music business. He was originally known by the stage name 'Sebbe Staxx' and he was a member of the infamous Swedish hip-hop band Kartellen with whom he achieved a degree of notoriety. The title of his 2015 autobiography 'Sebbe Staxx: The Music, the Crimes, the Addiction' gives a clue to the rapper's past lifestyle choices. Since the publication of the book, Stakset has re-invented himself as a born-again Christian and has worked hard to atone for his previous wrongdoings and ...
Jag ber
Jag berSebastian Stakset , Sinan and Sinan Yildiz

Mamma förlåt (Mamma forlat)
Mamma förlåt (Mamma forlat)Sebastian Stakset and Einár (Einar)

Mamma Förlåt

Ingen Som Varna Mig
Ingen Som Varna MigEinár and Sebastian Stakset (Einar)

Nummer 1

Inlåst (Inlast)
Inlåst (Inlast)Sebastian Stakset and Einar

GangsterAbidaz, Ñ and Sebastian Stakset


AmenSebastian Stakset and Allyawan


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