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Shirley Collins

Folk music
Folk rock
Rock music
Shirley Collins is an iconic and enduring figure in British folk music, with a storied career that stretches from the mid-1950s to the 2020s. She was born on July 5, 1935, in Hastings, East Sussex, and began playing traditional music with her older sister, Dolly, as a child. Shirley Collins made her studio debut with 1958's Sweet England, an album of sparsely-arranged folk music featuring nothing more than her voice and banjo. False True Lovers, which arrived later that year, offered much of the same. As the 1950s gave way to the '60s, she helped set the stage for the British fol...
Hares on the Mountain
Hares on the MountainShirley Collins

Sweet England


False True Love
False True LoveShirley Collins

False True Lovers


Fare Thee Well My Dearest Dear
Fare Thee Well My Dearest DearShirley Collins

Anthems In Eden


The Bonny Labouring Boy
The Bonny Labouring BoyShirley Collins

Sweet England


The Captain with the Whiskers
The Captain with the WhiskersShirley Collins

Harking Back


Lost in a Wood
Lost in a WoodShirley Collins

Within Sound


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