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Simple Acoustic Trio

Contemporary jazz
Chamber Jazz
The Simple Acoustic Trio is a Polish jazz group founded by pianist and composer Marcin Wasilewski (born in Slawno, Poland in 1975), drummer Michal Miskiewicz (born in Warsaw, Poland on May 23, 1977), and bassist Slawomir Kurkiewicz (born in Koszalin, Poland in 1975). The trio first came together in 1993 and released their debut album, Komeda, in 1995. The album was followed by When Will the Blues Leave (1996), Live in Getxo (1996), Habanera (2000), and Lyrics with saxophonist Henryk Miśkiewicz (2001). The group was mentored by Polish trumpet player Tomasz Stanko, who recruited th...
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