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Skip James

Delta Blues
With his head voice, his fragile appearance and his irregular guitar playing, an anthology of broken arpeggios, "Skip" James appears as one of the strangest stylists of the Delta blues. His dark, melancholy personality is reflected in such moving compositions as "Hard Times Killing Floor Blues", the best blues about the Depression of 1929. After a first attempt at a professional career in the '30s, artistically remarkable but not financially rewarding, "Skip" James pursued other trades until his rediscovery in 1964. Despite the cancer eating away at him, he made striking appearan...
Devil Got My Woman
Devil Got My WomanSkip James

Complete Early Recordings


Hard Time Killin' Floor Blues
Hard Time Killin' Floor BluesSkip James

Hard Time Killin' Floor


Cypress Grove
Cypress GroveSkip James

The Best There Ever Was: The Legendary Early Blues Performers

Devil Got My Woman
Devil Got My WomanSkip James

Ghost World [B.O.F.]

Devil Got My Woman
Devil Got My WomanKid Andersen and Skip James

I'd Rather Be The Devil: The Legendary 1931 Session


Sick Bed Blues
Sick Bed BluesSkip James

Devil Got My Woman
