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Sportfreunde Stiller

Rock music
Pop rock
Alternative rock
Guitarist and vocalist Peter Brugger, bassist Andi Erhard, and drummer Florian Weber formed the Bavarian pop-oriented indie-rock group Sportfreunde Stiller in Germering in 1995, initially calling themselves Stiller after their former football coach Hans Stiller, before settling on their current name. After bassist Andi Erhard was replaced by Rüdiger "Rüde" Linhof in 1997, the trio got to work on their debut album and released So wie einst Real Madrid ("Like Real Madrid Once") into the wild in 2000, going to number 46 in Germany. They kept the sports theme running and charted even...
New York, Rio, Rosenheim
New York, Rio, RosenheimSportfreunde Stiller


Alles Roger!
Alles Roger!Sportfreunde Stiller

La Bum

Anders als auf Ansichtskarten
Anders als auf AnsichtskartenSportfreunde Stiller

La Bum


In unmittelbarer Ferne
In unmittelbarer FerneSportfreunde Stiller

La Bum


Money Mark
Money MarkSportfreunde Stiller

So Wie Einst Real Madrid


Rocket Radio
Rocket RadioSportfreunde Stiller


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