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Stand High Patrol

World music
Electronic music
Stand High Patrol was formed in 2000 by Rootystep and Mac Gyver, soon joined by MC Pupajim. Hailing from Rennes (Ile-et-Vilaine), this sound system in the purest Jamaican tradition has been playing bars and venues all over Brittany. Stand High Patrol develops a personal dub sound that appeals far beyond the usual audience for this style. Stand High Patrol set up his own label in 2009, and in 2012 released his first album, Midnight Walkers. Now a regular at festivals such as the Télérama Dub Festival and the Rototom Sunsplash in Benicassim, Spain, Stand High Patrol's A Matter of S...
The Big Tree
The Big TreeStand High Patrol

Midnight Walkers


Boat People
Boat PeopleStand High Patrol

Midnight Walkers

Summer on Mars
Summer on MarsMarina P and Stand High Patrol

Summer on Mars


Gambling Johnny
Gambling JohnnyStand High Patrol

A Matter of Scale


Our Own Way
Our Own WayStand High Patrol

Our Own Way


Spring Rain
Spring RainMarina P and Stand High Patrol

Summer on Mars


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