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Steve Ferrone

Rock music
I Put a Spell on You
I Put a Spell on YouSteve Ferrone

It Up


So Far Away
So Far AwayPete Moss, Barry DeSouza, Steve Ferrone, Barry St. John, Pete Wingfield, Alan Parsons, Tony Carr, Dan Matovina, Thomas McAleese, Chris Blair, BJ Cole, Andrew Powell, George Ford, Tim Renwick, Gordon Hunt, John Elstar, Jean Hawker, Alan Sparkes, Stuart Cowell, Ingrid Linton and Colin Frechter


I'm Feeling Better
I'm Feeling BetterSergio Dalma, Maurizio Bassi, Sheilah Cuffy, Steve Ferrone, Cesare Chiodo, Giorgio Cocilovo, Francesco Pelizzari and Fabio Perversi

Historias Normales


Doo Doo Doo
Doo Doo DooSergio Dalma, Maurizio Bassi, Steve Ferrone, Cesare Chiodo, Giorgio Cocilovo, Carlo Gargioni, Francesco Pelizzari and Fabio Perversi

Historias Normales


Ode To John Prine
Ode To John PrineCharlie Overbey, Steve Ferrone, Rami Jaffee, Jimmy Vivino, LP and Darryl Jones


Goodbye to Romance
Goodbye to RomanceLisa Loeb, Dweezil Zappa, Steve Ferrone, Mike Porcaro and Michael Sherwood

Hair Metal In Covers

