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Steve Lively

My Jesus Fair
My Jesus FairPhilip Webb, Chris Anderson, Enoria Lee, Thomas Grassi, Logan Hodgson, Jaz Hoffman, Diane Brown, Steve Lively and Greg Habegger


The Church's One Foundation
The Church's One FoundationPhilip Webb, Jaz Hoffman, Mark Rice, Diane Brown, Steve Lively, Cathy Biagini, Sarah Biagini, Samuel J. Stone and Samuel S. Wesley


It Is Well with My Soul
It Is Well with My SoulPhilip Webb, Philip P. Bliss, Horatio G. Spafford, Victoria Sabonjohn, Benjamin Mason, Jaz Hoffman, Diane Brown, Steve Lively, Cathy Biagini, Sarah Biagini and Steve Becknell


Holy God We Praise Thy Name
Holy God We Praise Thy NamePhilip Webb, Enoria Lee, Thomas Grassi, Logan Hodgson, Jaz Hoffman, Diane Brown, Steve Lively, Ignace Franz and Clarence A. Walworth


Am I a Soldier of the Cross
Am I a Soldier of the CrossPhilip Webb, Isaac Watts, Enoria Lee, Jaz Hoffman, Trina Carey Hodgson, Mark Rice, Diane Brown, Thomas Arne and Steve Lively


And Can It Be
And Can It BePhilip Webb, Charles Wesley, Thomas Campbell, Victoria Sabonjohn, Jaz Hoffman, Mark Rice, Diane Brown, Steve Lively, Cathy Biagini, Sarah Biagini and Steve Becknell
