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Stina Talling

Pop music
Urban pop music
Stina Talling is a Norwegian YouTube influencer who started her channel in 2013 and has amassed more than 87,000 subscribers since then. She is a self-taught singer and her singing voice first came to public attention on the 'Tulle Christmas Song' with other Scandinavian influencers in 2018. She released her first single, 'More Than Good Enough', as a digital download on Epic Records (Oslo) in 2019. The song was used to sell the NK TV network's 'BlimE!' children's TV show. Her second single 'Past to Future' released in October of the same year as a collaboration with Ingrid Frosl...
Livet Nå (Livet Na)
Livet Nå (Livet Na)Stina Talling

Livet Nå


Nå Er Det Jul (Na Er Det Jul)
Nå Er Det Jul (Na Er Det Jul)The sPlayers, Murdrocks, Herman Dahl, Isabelle Eriksen, Agnetesh and Stina Talling

Nå er det jul

BlimE - Mer Enn God Nok
BlimE - Mer Enn God NokStina Talling

En gang til
En gang tilEirik Lyng and Stina Talling


BlimE (Mer Enn God Nok)
BlimE (Mer Enn God Nok)Stina Talling



Fortid Til Fremtid
Fortid Til FremtidStina Talling


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