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Story of the Year

Rock music
Punk rock
Punk pop
Story of the Year is a platinum-selling American band whose mix of hard rock, punk, post-hardcore helped turn screamo into a mainstream genre during the early 2000s. The group's members initially banded together as "67 North," a short-lived band that formed in 1995 in St. Louis, Missouri. After regrouping as "Big Blue Monkey" and releasing three EPs during that moniker, the band relocated to Orange County, California, and changed its name Story of the Year. Released in 2003, Story of the Year's platinum-certified debut album Page Avenue reached Number 51 on the Billboard 200 and ...
Until the Day I Die
Until the Day I DieStory of the Year

Page Avenue


Until the Day I Die
Until the Day I DieStory of the Year

Page Avenue: Ten Years and Counting

And the Hero Will Drown
And the Hero Will DrownStory of the Year

Page Avenue


Anthem of Our Dying Day
Anthem of Our Dying DayStory of the Year

Page Avenue

Tear Me to Pieces
Tear Me to PiecesStory of the Year

Tear Me to Pieces


SidewalksStory of the Year

Page Avenue


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