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(Strawberry Prince, Sutopuri)

Pop music
Asiatic music
World music
Strawberry Prince is a Japanese boy band formed by streamer Nanamori in 2016. After making a name for himself by posting cover versions on the streaming site Nico Nico Douga, Nanamori invited other content creators to join his new musical project. The group is composed of six members: Nanamori, Jel, Satomi, Colon, Rinu, and Root. Each member of the band uses an animated avatar to represent themselves, only revealing their faces during live performances and public events. Even though Strawberry Prince had been uploading material to their video-streaming channel since 2016, it wasn...
青春チョコレート (Teenage Crush Chocolate)
青春チョコレート (Teenage Crush Chocolate)すとぷり (Strawberry Prince, Sutopuri)

Teenage Crush Chocolate


犬系男子留守番中 (Dog Boy Stay At Home)
犬系男子留守番中 (Dog Boy Stay At Home)すとぷり (Strawberry Prince, Sutopuri)

Here We Go!!


誓いの花束を ~ With You ~ (Always With You)
誓いの花束を ~ With You ~ (Always With You)すとぷり (Strawberry Prince, Sutopuri)

A Beginning Story


星の如く (Like the Glittering Stars)
星の如く (Like the Glittering Stars)すとぷり (Strawberry Prince, Sutopuri)

Are You Ready?


虹のはじまり (Where The Rainbow Starts)
虹のはじまり (Where The Rainbow Starts)すとぷり (Strawberry Prince, Sutopuri)

A Beginning Story


Ride on Time
Ride on Timeすとぷり (Strawberry Prince, Sutopuri)

Are You Ready?


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