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슈프림팀(Supreme Team)

(Supreme Team)

Rap music
Asiatic music
World music
When the South Korean rap duo Supreme Team burst on to the country's music scene in 2009 they made a strong impression on South Korea's hip-hop audiences and were voted Best New Male Group in the MNET Asian Music Awards. A year later the duo, comprised of rappers Simon Dominic and E-Sens, released their critically-acclaimed album 'Supremier' on the Amoeba Culture label and it went to number three in the charts, an extraordinary achievement in a country where the charts are dominated by the K-pop industry. The album was to be last full-length offering from the duo with their remai...
그땐 그땐 그땐 Then Then Then (Then Then Then)
그땐 그땐 그땐 Then Then Then (Then Then Then)슈프림팀(Supreme Team) and 영준 (Supreme Team and Young Jun)

Ames Room


너 때문이야 Because Of You (Because Of You)
너 때문이야 Because Of You (Because Of You)슈프림팀(Supreme Team) and 소울맨(Soulman) (Supreme Team and Soulman)


Pinball Wizard
Pinball WizardGlee Cast and 슈프림팀(Supreme Team) (Supreme Team)

The Who's Tommy


만루홈런 Lee Dae Ho (Lee Dae Ho)
만루홈런 Lee Dae Ho (Lee Dae Ho)다이나믹 듀오, DJ Friz and 슈프림팀(Supreme Team) (Dynamicduo, Dynamic Duo and Supreme Team)

Lucky Numbers


그땐 그땐 그땐 Then Then Then (Then Then Then)
그땐 그땐 그땐 Then Then Then (Then Then Then) 


슈프림팀(Supreme Team) and 영준 (Supreme Team and Young Jun)

Ames Room


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