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Sven Wunder

Electro pop
Electronic music
World music
Sven Wunder, the alias of Swedish musician and producer Joel Danell, debuted in 2019 with Doğu Çiçekleri (later retitled Eastern Flowers), blending Anatolian and Eastern European influences. Supported by Piano Piano Records and the Swedish Arts Council, the album became a global collector’s item. His 2020 follow-up, Wabi Sabi, explored Eastern and Southern Asian sounds, earning critical acclaim. In 2021, Natura Morta showcased lush, cinematic compositions. The 2023 album Late Again fused jazz, soul, and easy listening, earning a Swedish Grammy nomination. Collaborations with arti...
Spring Has Sprung
Spring Has SprungСОЮЗ, Asha Puthli and Sven Wunder


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