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T. Raumschmiere

Ambient music
Electronic music
Industrial music
Throughout his career as a musician, producer and label manager for Shitkatapult, T. Raumschmiere has often chosen not to stop at borders, and to go and clear even hostile territory. His debut album Radio Blackout in 2003 catapulted him to the forefront of the Berlin and international scenes. With the very first releases from another local prodigy, Apparat, who co-manages the label, Shitkatapult also became a sought-after signing. Known for his electro-clash productions and percussive tracks, he is also at his best on ambient tracks in the image of his congener Aphex Twin. His in...
A Very Loud Lullaby
A Very Loud LullabyT. Raumschmiere and Sandra Nasić (Sandra Nasic)

Blitzkrieg Pop


Sick Like Me
Sick Like MeSven Väth and T. Raumschmiere

Blitzkrieg Pop

Blitzkrieg Pop
Blitzkrieg PopT. Raumschmiere and Marco Haas

Blitzkrieg Pop


A  Very Loud Lullaby
A Very Loud LullabyT. Raumschmiere

A Very Loud Lullaby


Sick Like Me
Sick Like Me 

Album Version

T. Raumschmiere


Samstag Nacht
Samstag NachtT.Raumhouse, T. Raumschmiere and Housemeister


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