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Tanya Saint-Val

World music
Caribbean music
Guadeloupean zouk singer Tanya Saint-Val is an expert in all types of Caribbean music. Influenced in her youth by soul and jazz, Tanya Saint-Val made a name for herself in 1989 with the album Zouk à Gogo , featuring her first hit "Lanmou kreyol ". In 1991, she took advantage of the zouk craze to triumph in France with the album Soul Zouk and the song "Tropical ". Despite opening for Johnny Hallyday and Michel Sardou, Tanya Saint-Val remained confined to the West Indies. With Secrets in 1998, she took a zouk love turn that had no future. In 2000, Tanya Saint-Val celebrated fifteen...
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Tu dois partirFrancis Cabrel and Tanya Saint-Val

Autour Du Blues - Vol. 2


IntimesThierry Fanfant, Jacob Desvarieux, Tania Maria, Angélique Kidjo, Michel Fugain, Enzo Enzo, Dede Saint-Prix, Pablo Villafranca, Daniel Lévi, Philippe Lavil, Jocelyne Béroard, Tanya Saint-Val, Kali, Beethova Obas, Tony Chasseur, Béatrice Poulot, Ralph Thamar, Nestor Azerot, Tatiana Miath, Christiane Obidol, Dominique Zorobabel, Olivier Jean Alphonse and Jean-Philippe Marthely (Daniel Levi and Jocelyne Beroard)



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