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Tatiana Miath

World music
Contemporary R&B
Soul music
Born on January 13, 1975 in Les Abymes, Guadeloupe, Tatiana Miath grew up in a music-loving family that introduced her to music at an early age. Her brother, Eddy Miath, a member of the group Zouti, invited her to sing on their first album, Zouti , released in 1987 by Debs Music, at the age of 13. Immersed in the demands of recording during her teenage years, Tatiana Miath naturally set her sights on a musical career, which officially began the following year at the age of 14 with the album Tatiana et Zouti, produced in collaboration with the group. The group's music gave a new l...
IntimesThierry Fanfant, Jacob Desvarieux, Tania Maria, Angélique Kidjo, Michel Fugain, Enzo Enzo, Dede Saint-Prix, Pablo Villafranca, Daniel Lévi, Philippe Lavil, Jocelyne Béroard, Tanya Saint-Val, Kali, Beethova Obas, Tony Chasseur, Béatrice Poulot, Ralph Thamar, Nestor Azerot, Tatiana Miath, Christiane Obidol, Dominique Zorobabel, Olivier Jean Alphonse and Jean-Philippe Marthely (Daniel Levi and Jocelyne Beroard)



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