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Ted Gärdestad

(Ted Gardestad)

Rock music
Pop music
UK Pop
Swedish pop star and actor Ted Gärdestad was born February 18, 1956. His show business career began early, appearing on television as an accordionist at age 6, and playing his own songs just two years later. He found success as a ten-year-old acting in the program A Small Town at the Turn of the Century. A child star as well as a promising young tennis player, Gärdestad decided instead to try a career in music. He sent homemade demos, co-written by his brother Kenneth who would remain a creative partner throughout his career, to Polar Music, who teamed him with their producers Be...
Himlen Är Oskyldigt Blå (Himlen Ar Oskyldigt Bla)
Himlen Är Oskyldigt Blå (Himlen Ar Oskyldigt Bla)Ted Gärdestad (Ted Gardestad)

I'd Rather Write A Symphony...

Jag Ska Fånga En Ängel (Jag Ska Fanga En Angel)
Jag Ska Fånga En Ängel (Jag Ska Fanga En Angel)Ted Gärdestad (Ted Gardestad)



I Den Stora Sorgens Famn
I Den Stora Sorgens FamnTed Gärdestad (Ted Gardestad)

Äntligen På Väg


Sol, Vind Och Vatten
Sol, Vind Och VattenTed Gärdestad (Ted Gardestad)


Come Give Me Love
Come Give Me LoveTed Gärdestad (Ted Gardestad)



SatellitTed Gärdestad (Ted Gardestad)

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