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Teddy Kotick

Teddy Kotick began his musical career by learning the guitar at the age of 6, before taking up the double bass during his school years. On his arrival in New York in 1948, he played in various bands: with Buddy De Franco (1949 and 1952), Artie Shaw (1950), but it was during his stay in Stan Getz's band (1951-1953) that he made his name. He then played with Charlie Parker (1954), who considered him one of his favorite bassists. He then joined Bill Evans' first trio (1956) with Paul Motian. He played with George Wallington (1957), Horace Silver (1957-1958), and joined two of the Fo...
Easy To Love
Easy To LoveCharlie Parker, Billy Bauer, Walter Bishop, Jr., Art Taylor and Teddy Kotick

The Complete Legendary Rockland Palace Concert 1952


Star Eyes
Star EyesCharlie Parker, Walter Bishop, Jr., Mundell Lowe, Max Roach and Teddy Kotick

My Little Suede Shoes


Pennies from Heaven
Pennies from HeavenPhil Woods, Teddy Kotick, Hall Overton and Nick Stabulas


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