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The Grass Roots

Rock music
Psychedelic rock
Folk rock
Formed in 1965 in Los Angeles, California, The Grass Roots are a pop and rock band originally founded under the guidance of producer Lou Adler and initially meant to focus on material penned by songwriting duo P.F. Sloan and Steve Barri. Hoping to cash in on the folk-rock craze, Dunhill Records’ Adler recruited Sloan and Barri to write songs that would connect with the genre’s audience. After recording a demo of “Where Were You When I Needed You” using seasoned session musicians and singers, the song was sent out to radio stations and received positive feedback. Sloan and Barri t...
Let's Live for Today
Let's Live for TodayThe Grass Roots

Let's Live for Today


Sooner or Later
Sooner or LaterThe Grass Roots

The Grass Roots

Temptation Eyes
Temptation EyesThe Grass Roots

The Grass Roots

Wait a Million Years
Wait a Million YearsThe Grass Roots

Leavin' It All Behind

Temptation Eyes
Temptation EyesThe Grass Roots

Let It Be


Where Were You When I Needed You
Where Were You When I Needed YouThe Grass Roots

Where Were You When I Needed You


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