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The Heavy

Rock music
Soul music
First conceived in Bath, Somerset in 2007 – with guitarist Dan Taylor and lead vocalist Kelvin Swaby meeting in 1998 and forming an alliance over vintage R&B and Jim Jarmusch films – retro-loving rock 'n' soul-ers The Heavy dropped their first pair of singles that same year and were snapped up by UK indie favorite Ninja Tune. Comprising the aforementioned pair, along with bass player Spencer Page and drummer Chris Ellul, the band set about releasing their debut album, Great Vengeance and Furious Fire, which was released on September 17, 2007 in the UK and on April 8, 2008 in the ...
How You Like Me Now?
How You Like Me Now?The Heavy

The House That Dirt Built


Short Change Hero
Short Change HeroThe Heavy

The House That Dirt Built


What Makes a Good Man?
What Makes a Good Man?The Heavy

What Makes A Good Man?


Curse Me Good
Curse Me GoodThe Heavy

Curse Me Good


Put It On The Line
Put It On The LineThe Heavy


Cause for Alarm
Cause for AlarmThe Heavy

The House That Dirt Built

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