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The Highwaymen

Country rock
Country music
Traditional Country
The Highwaymen came to be the name of a country music supergroup formed by Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, Kris Kristofferson and Willie Nelson in 1985. The four country music legends joined up after they performed together on one of Cash's Christmas television shows in '84. They lent their name to the title of their first album Highwayman. Produced by Chips Moman it featured the four musicians as well as Marty Stuart on guitar. The release went to number one on Billboard's Top Country Albums Chart in 1985, the title track topped the Country Singles Chart and earned songwriter Jimm...
Silver Stallion
Silver StallionThe Highwaymen

Highwayman 2


Born and Raised In Black and White
Born and Raised In Black and WhiteJohnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, Kris Kristofferson, Willie Nelson and The Highwaymen


Folsom Prison Blues
Folsom Prison BluesThe Highwaymen

The Highwaymen Live: American Outlaws

Burning Memories
Burning MemoriesThe Highwaymen and Waylon Jennings

At JD's

Sunday Morning Coming Down
Sunday Morning Coming DownThe Highwaymen

The Highwaymen Live: American Outlaws


The Devil's Right Hand
The Devil's Right HandThe Highwaymen, Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, Kris Kristofferson and Willie Nelson

The Road Goes on Forever


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