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The Knife

New wave
Rock music
Electro pop
Hiding behind black Venetian face masks with big bird beaks protruding eerily, Swedish duo The Knife create icy, eccentric electro-pop, full of retro synths and downbeat R&B grooves. With Karin Dreijer Andersson's indie rock outfit Honey Is Cool coming to an end in 1999, she took a musical change of direction when she heard the digital beats and experiments her younger brother Olof was producing in his Stockholm bedroom. Their commercial breakthrough came when Jose Gonzalez's acoustic guitar cover of their track Heartbeats was used in an advertising campaign by Sony and was recog...
Marble House
Marble House 

Bookashade Remix

The Knife


Pass This On
Pass This OnThe Knife and Romy

Deep Cuts

HeartbeatsThe Knife

Deep Cuts


A Tooth for an Eye
A Tooth for an EyeThe Knife

Shaking The Habitual


Girls' Night Out
Girls' Night OutThe Knife

Deep Cuts


Like a Pen
Like a PenThe Knife

Silent Shout


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