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The Quantic Soul Orchestra

Making his name as an eclectic DJ/producer of global beats and house sounds, Will Holland's live ensemble, The Quantic Soul Orchestra, took him out of the studio and brought together Latin rhythms, soulful power and tropical melodies, and realised his melting pot vision of glorious, contemporary world music. A musical technician often compared to the likes of Mark Ronson, Birmingham-born Holland began the orchestra in 2003 and - with an ever-changing cast of musicians - created blasting funk grooves taking influences from Portugal and Cuba on debut album Stampede. Follow-up Pushi...
Pushin' On
Pushin' OnThe Quantic Soul Orchestra and Alice Russell

Shapes 09:01

Pushin' On
Pushin' OnThe Quantic Soul Orchestra and Alice Russell

Pushin' On


Don't Joke with a Hungry Man, Pt. 3
Don't Joke with a Hungry Man, Pt. 3 


Spanky Wilson and The Quantic Soul Orchestra

Mishaps Happening


I'm Thankful, Pt. 2
I'm Thankful, Pt. 2 


Spanky Wilson and The Quantic Soul Orchestra

I'm Thankful

