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The Rentals

Rock music
New wave
Power pop
The Rentals began in 1994 by Matt Sharp, the bass player in Weezer, so that he could indulge his affection for Moog drenched pop. Their initial album, 1995’s humorously titled Return of the Rentals, was recorded between Weezer’s first two albums. The album’s third track, “Friends of P.”, cracked the top 10 on the Modern Rock chart and scraped the lower rungs of the Hot 100. After leaving Weezer upon the completion of Pinkerton, Sharp completely shuffled The Rentals’ line-up and recorded their second album, 1999’s Seven More Minutes, which included guest appearances by various mem...
1000 Seasons
1000 SeasonsThe Rentals

Lost In Alphaville

Irrational Things
Irrational ThingsThe Rentals and The West Los Angeles Children's Choir

Lost In Alphaville


Please Let That Be You
Please Let That Be YouThe Rentals

Return Of The Rentals


The Love I'm Searching For
The Love I'm Searching ForThe Rentals

Return Of The Rentals


Brilliant Boy
Brilliant BoyThe Rentals

Return Of The Rentals


Getting By
Getting ByThe Rentals

Seven More Minutes


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