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The Sarah McLachlan Music Outreach Child...

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen/We three Kings
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen/We three KingsSarah McLachlan, Barenaked Ladies and The Sarah McLachlan Music Outreach Children's Choir and Youth Choir

Barenaked for the Holidays


Happy Xmas (War Is Over)
Happy Xmas (War Is Over)Sarah McLachlan and The Sarah McLachlan Music Outreach Children's Choir and Youth Choir



Happy Xmas (War Is Over)
Happy Xmas (War Is Over)Sarah McLachlan, Youth Choir, The Sarah McLachlan Music Outreach Children's Choir and Youth Choir and The Sarah McLachlan School Choir



Space on the Couch for Two
Space on the Couch for TwoSarah McLachlan, The Sarah McLachlan Music Outreach Children's Choir and Youth Choir and The Sarah McLachlan School Choir


Space on the Couch for Two
Space on the Couch for TwoSarah McLachlan, The Sarah McLachlan Music Outreach Children's Choir and Youth Choir and The Sarah McLachlan School Choir