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The Smiths

Rock music
New wave
Pop rock
When budding guitarist Johnny Marr knocked on the door of alienated writer Stephen Morrissey in 1982 to see if he fancied starting a band, one of the most important partnerships in British rock history was born. Along with bassist Andy Rourke and drummer Mike Joyce, Morrissey and Marr officially formed The Smiths in 1983. Flouncing dramatically around the stage, waving gladioli at the crowd, Morrissey's crooning, awkward charisma, barbed outsider persona, and sexual ambiguity inspired an obsessive following while Marr's chiming, layered melodies made him one of the most innovativ...
There Is a Light That Never Goes Out
There Is a Light That Never Goes OutThe Smiths

The Queen Is Dead


Bigmouth Strikes Again
Bigmouth Strikes AgainThe Smiths

The Queen Is Dead


What Difference Does It Make?
What Difference Does It Make?The Smiths

The Smiths

Vicar in a Tutu
Vicar in a TutuThe Smiths

The Queen Is Dead


The Boy With the Thorn In His Side
The Boy With the Thorn In His SideThe Smiths

The Queen Is Dead


Shakespeare's Sister
Shakespeare's SisterThe Smiths

Shakespeare's Sister


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