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The Spencer Davis Group

Rock music
Early R&B
Soul music
One of the more influential bands of the British beat boom of the 1960s, The Spencer Davis Group, formed in 1963, drew strikingly on jazz, blues and soul to inject real class into the charts of the day, notably with their biggest hit, “Keep on Running”. Although the brainchild of guitarist Spencer Davis, most of the attention was focused on the unusually soulful vocals of Steve Winwood. He and his brother Muff teamed up with Davis and drummer Pete York, originally as the Rhythm & Blues Quartette. After seeing them in a club, Chris Blackwell signed them to Island Records and produ...
Gimme Some Lovin'
Gimme Some Lovin'The Spencer Davis Group



I'm a Man
I'm a ManThe Spencer Davis Group

The Best of the Spencer Davis Group


Gimme Some Lovin'
Gimme Some Lovin'The Spencer Davis Group

The Return - All The Hits Plus More

Keep on Running
Keep on RunningThe Spencer Davis Group

The Second Album


Keep on Running
Keep on RunningSpencer Davis and The Spencer Davis Group

The Second Album

Somebody Help Me
Somebody Help MeThe Spencer Davis Group

Autumn 66


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