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The Statler Brothers

Country music
 The Statler Brothers, an American country music, gospel, and vocal group from Staunton, Virginia, began their illustrious career in 1955. Originally known as The Four Star Quartet and later The Kingsmen, they adopted the name Statler Brothers in 1963, despite no member being named Statler. The group, comprising Don and Harold Reid, Phil Balsley, and Lew DeWitt (later replaced by Jimmy Fortune in 1982), rose to fame as Johnny Cash's opening act and backup singers from 1964 to 1972. Their blend of gospel and country music, enriched with comedy and parody, captured audiences nation...
How Great Thou Art
How Great Thou Art 

Previously Unreleased Track

Johnny Cash and The Statler Brothers

Holy Bible : New Testament


Do You Know You Are My Sunshine?
Do You Know You Are My Sunshine?The Statler Brothers

The Statler Brothers: The Best From The Farewell Concert


Daddy Sang Bass
Daddy Sang BassThe Statler Brothers

The Gospel Music of the Statler Brothers Volume Two

I Was There
I Was ThereThe Statler Brothers

The Country America Loves


ElizabethThe Statler Brothers



Whatever Happened to Randolph Scott
Whatever Happened to Randolph ScottThe Statler Brothers

The Definitive Collection Mca Years
