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The Vaccines

Rock music
Pop rock
From the moment Alex Kapranos, The Maccabees, Mumford and Sons, and White Lies all turned up to the band's first-ever London gig, a huge buzz has surrounded The Vaccines. Led by frontman Justin Young (formerly Jay Jay Pistolet) and guitarist Freddie Cowan (brother of The Horrors bassist Tom Cowan), The Vaccines, who formed in 2010 in West London, soon won heavy acclaim from the critics and, burdened with the tag "the new Strokes", were acclaimed as saviours of British guitar pop. Full of brash, youthful rock & roll, the fever intensified with the release of early singles “Wreckin...
If You Wanna
If You WannaThe Vaccines

What Did You Expect from the Vaccines?


Sometimes, I Swear
Sometimes, I SwearThe Vaccines

Pick-Up Full of Pink Carnations


Post Break-Up Sex
Post Break-Up SexThe Vaccines

What Did You Expect from the Vaccines?


Lunar Eclipse
Lunar EclipseThe Vaccines

Pick-Up Full of Pink Carnations


Heartbreak Kid
Heartbreak KidThe Vaccines

Pick-Up Full of Pink Carnations


No Hope
No HopeThe Vaccines

Come of Age

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